Relationships are like water. You don’t drink water just because you’re thirsty, you drink water because you were designed to depend on it. You need water to keep your blood circulating, to regulate your body temperature, and so much more. The thirst you feel points to something a lot deeper. It’s the same with community. We were designed to be in relationship, and not just because it fills a need that we feel. Because it’s essential to our nature. Genesis 1 says God “created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” The plurality of the three persons of the Trinity gave birth to the plurality of human relationships. If we’re not in community, we’re not reflecting the image of God. God said it himself in Genesis 2: “It is not good that the man should be alone.” Which was the first thing he created that wasn’t good. The light? Good. The earth? Good. Living creatures? Good. Man by himself? Not good. We were created for community.