We encourage parents to keep their keiki in our worship services so that they can not only see their parents, aunties, and uncles worshipping Jesus but also have the opportunity to worship Him with us. We have a few Sundays a year where we won’t have any keiki classes to encourage whole-church participation in the worship services.
We do have 2 keiki class options available to parents. For our keiki ages 18 months through preschool, we have a preschool class where parents can check their child in at any time before or during the service and then pick them up at the end. For our elementary keiki, they’ll be dismissed for a class during the sermon and then brought back for the rest of the service.
Although it’s come with some challenges, we’ve seen God do some amazing stuff in our kids’ lives during this time of worship service integration! Kids are learning to sit and listen to the sermon while seeing their parents, uncles, aunties, and friends sing and worship God. We are super excited to now be able to offer keiki classes as well!
Keiki Wellness Policy
- Fever
- Runny Nose
- Sneezing
- Coughing (non-asthma)
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Rash (except diaper)