We ask each covenant member at Harbor to seriously read and re-affirm the covenant below every year.
Since we have been brought by God to repent of our sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation through his death and resurrection, signified by our identification with Christ through water baptism, we now offer ourselves completely to Him, and we joyfully and whole-heartedly make this covenant with each other as one body in Christ.
We will look to God’s written word first to guide our congregational and individual lives, viewing the Bible as the final doctrinal authority on all matters. Holding the Evangelical Free Church of America’s statement of faith, we will unite on the theological essentials contained there and avoid division over non-essential issues.
We will join together regularly to worship, to partake in communion, and to encourage and build each other up. We will be intimately involved in one another’s lives through community groups. We will express our love by praying for one another, encouraging one another, providing material assistance to one another, and hold one another accountable to godly living. We will overcome judgment by grace, conflict by forgiveness, interpersonal and intercultural differences by respect, and selfish control by generosity. We will not allow gossip or backbiting any place in our midst.
We will submit to the oversight of the leaders God has placed in authority in our church, and willingly accept the spiritual discipline of the elders as outlined in Scripture when required. If we are considering withdrawing from this covenant, we will include the elders of the church in our decision-making process. If we decide to move on from this congregation, we will seek to unite with a church family where we can live out the spirit of this covenant.
We will be workers in God’s harvest, using our spiritual gifts and talents, material resources, and time to accomplish God’s purpose as one body. We will commit to regular service, financial giving, and participation in community that is sacrificial, cheerful, and voluntary.
We will share the gospel of God and our very selves with our neighbors and coworkers. We will proclaim the gospel in word and embody the gospel in deed, so that people will give glory to God when they see our servant-hearted actions. We will strive to make disciples of Jesus Christ across the islands and around the world.
We will love and glorify God above all else by keeping his commandments, by allowing God to work through us, by living in harmony with one another, by keeping ourselves pure, and by letting our light shine before others, so that they may see our good works and give glory to our Father who is in heaven.. We will worship God continually through our thoughts and emotions, our spoken words, our righteous acts, and our sacrificial lifestyle. Should we fail to glorify God in those ways, we agree to confess our sins to each other and pray for each other so we can be healed.
With this electronic signature, I affirm that I will strive to uphold this covenant.