Harbor West Oahu is launching a new sermon series through the book of Nehemiah called Ambitious Faith on October 1st. This 9-week series will explore how we can be boldly ambitious as we follow follow Jesus. We’re confident that God will use this series in powerful ways in our lives and in our church. Here’s the outline if you’d like to read in preparation:

Ambitious Faith (Nehemiah 1)
Ambitious Strategy (Nehemiah 2-3)
Ambitious Courage (Nehemiah 4)
Ambitious Compassion (Nehemiah 5)
Ambitious Persistence (Nehemiah 6-7)
Ambitious Humility (Nehemiah 8-9)
Ambitious Sacrifice (Nehemiah 10-11)
Ambitious Celebration (Nehemiah 12)
Ambitious Reformation (Nehemiah 13)

Join us Sunday mornings at 10am at Ewa Elementary School on Renton Road (and plan to stay after for lunch together if can). We’re looking forward to see how God is going to change our lives during this series!